How to Get On the News

How to Get On the News. 10 tips to get news coverage for your small business or startup.

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Picking the Right Outlet

There a few things to keep in mind when trying to get your story on the news. Picking the right outlet is crucial–you want to make sure your story is a good fit for the kind of audience that watches or reads that outlet. You also want to keep in mind the timing of your story–you don’t want to pitch a light-hearted story to a outlet that covers hard-hitting news, for example. Keep all of these factors in mind and you’ll be on your way to getting your story on the news.

Knowing your niche

In order to get on the news, you have to understand your niche. pitching the right reporter is essential to getting your 15 minutes (or seconds) in the spotlight. In order to do this, you must understand both the outlet and the reporter. Read up on recent news from the outlet, what kind of stories they cover, what their audience is like and then try to match your story with their interests. For example, a political tell-all book might be a better fit for a local political reporter than it would be for a entertainment reporter specializing in celebrity gossip.

Do your research and target your pitch for the best chance at success.

Picking the right reporter

Reporters are people too. If you take the time to get to know them – their deadlines, their specialties and what they like – you will have a much better chance of getting on their shows. Picking the right reporter is only part one of the equation, though. You also have to be prepared and have something newsworthy to say.

Here are a few more tips:

-Be helpful. Reporters are always looking for good stories, so if you have something newsworthy, make sure to let them know. Reporters are also often looking for sources for their stories, so if you can be helpful in that regard, it will increase your chances of being interviewed.

-Be a good source. If a reporter contacts you for an interview, make sure you are prepared and have something newsworthy to say. Be sure to return calls promptly and be available when they need you.

-Don’t be a pest. Reporters are busy people and they will quickly get annoyed if you are constantly calling or emailing them without reason. Only contact them when you have something newsworthy to share.

The Pitching Process

If you want to get on the news, you need to know how to pitch your story idea to the right person. Pitching is the process of sending a story idea to a journalist or editor in the hope that they will want to write about it. There are a few things you need to keep in mind when pitching, such as who your audience is and what kind of story you have.

Perfecting the subject line

Your subject line is your very first impression on a journalist, and can make or break whether or not they open and read your email. So it’s worth spending a little time getting it right.

First, make sure you include the word “pitch” or “press release” in the subject line, so the recipient knows what they’re opening.

Second, keep it short and sweet -Aim for under 50 characters if possible, as longer subject lines are more likely to get truncated in email inboxes.

Third, use keywords that will grab the journalist’s attention and make them want to learn more about your story. For example, if you’re pitching a story about a new App that has just launched, you could use a subject line like “New App launch: [name of App]”.

Finally, avoid using spammy words and phrases like “free”, “download now”, or “great offer”. These will just make your email look like junk mail and are likely to get it sent straight to the trash.

Creating an attention-grabbing headline

Your headline is your first, and sometimes only, opportunity to make a good impression and convince journalists to keep reading. A great headline will even make journalists want to share your story with their audience.

Here are some tips to creating attention-grabbing headlines:

– Keep it short and sweet: the shorter your headline, the better. A good rule of thumb is to keep your headline under 80 characters.
– Make it readable: use short words and active voice. This will make your headline easy to digest and understand.
– Solve a problem: if you can identify and address a problem that your target audience is facing, you’ll be more likely to grab their attention.
– Be creative: don’t be afraid to be creative with your headlines. If you can come up with a pun or play on words, go for it!
– Use numbers: using numbers in your headlines can make them more attention-grabbing and interesting. For example, “5 Tips for Creating Attention-Grabbing Headlines”

Keeping it short and sweet

It’s important to remember that you only have a few seconds to make an impression when you’re pitching to the media. Here are some tips for keeping your pitch short and sweet:

-Get to the point quickly. Explain who you are and why you’re calling in the first sentence.
-Be concise. Use simple language and avoid jargon.
-Make it easy for the reporter. Offer something that is newsworthy and relevant to their audience.
-Respect their time. Keep your pitch brief – no more than a couple of minutes.
-Have a call to action. Tell them what you’d like them to do as a result of your pitch (e.g., interview you, cover your event, etc.).

Following Up

You’ve crafted the perfect pitch, and the reporter is interested. Now what? How do you make sure your story idea actually makes it on the air or in the paper? By following up, of course! In this section, we’ll give you some tips on how to follow up with reporters in order to increase your chances of getting your story covered.

The art of the follow-up

Congratulations! You’ve just landed an interview with a local news station. This is a great opportunity to get some exposure for your business, but it’s not over yet. The real work starts now.

You need to make sure that you follow up with the news station after your interview. This shows that you’re interested in the opportunity and that you’re serious about getting your business on the news.

Here are some tips for following up with a news station:

-Send a thank-you note or email to the reporter or producer who interviewed you. This shows your appreciation and professionalism.
-If you promised to send additional information, make sure to follow through on that. News stations are always looking for new stories, so this is your chance to pitch them an idea for a future segment.
-Follow the news station on social media and share their stories about your business. This helps to build a relationship and keeps you top of mind when they’re looking for someone to interviewed for a future story.

By following up with the news station after your interview, you’re increasing your chances of getting your business on the news in the future.

Making the most of your media appearance

After your media appearance, it’s important to follow up. used to be that a journalist would type up their story, submit it to their editor and then move on to their next assignment. Now, journalism is a 24/7 operation and reporters are always looking for their next story. So, how can you make sure that you stay on their radar?

Here are a few tips:

-Send a thank you note: A simple thank you note goes a long way in building relationships with members of the media. Not only will it show your appreciation, but it will also keep you fresh in their mind for future opportunities.

-Share your content: If you’ve been quoted in an article or if your segment was aired, be sure to share it on your social channels and with your network. This will help to increase its reach and further position you as an expert in your field.

-Keep in touch: Check in with members of the media periodically – whether it’s through email, phone calls or social media. By keeping the lines of communication open, you’re more likely to be top of mind when they’re looking for sources for future stories.

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